Moving Tips
Be Contactable
Do not disconnect your landline until the day after your furniture removal is scheduled. It is important that we are able to communicate with you prior to pick up and during your removal process. Also, make sure your mobile is fully charged and accessible at all times during your move.
Plan Ahead
To avoid access issues to your property, reserve space for the removal truck to park as close to the pickup and delivery points as possible. Two well spaced cars or witches hats are useful for this. Also, think carefully prior to your delivery day about the size and layout of your new residence and where you will place furniture. If space is an issue we can offer storage solutions to suit your requirements.
Prepare an Item List
Create an item list so you are aware of how many boxes and furniture you have moving. Ensure that you or someone you nominated checks everything that is supposed to be collected at pickup has made it onto the removalist truck and has not accidentally been left behind.
Keep your Important Documents & Medical Prescriptions with you
If you don't want something packed, it's best that you set it aside so that it is not put onto the truck by mistake. If a bag or box containing your medical prescriptions for example is mistakenly collected by the removalist and packed into the middle of the load it may be exceptionally difficult to retrieve, especially if the truck has already left for the trip to the delivery destination! If you are moving interstate it could be several days or weeks before you will be able to access your goods.
Use Appropriate Packaging
Use specific moving boxes and packing tape as they provide the protection your goods will require in transit. So many people use inferior packing materials only to find that their boxes don't survive the trip. Using proper packing materials is even more important for interstate, country or storage moves as risk increases with the amount of time that your goods will be in transit. Do not polish wooden furniture before moving day as it can cause condensation when the item is wrapped for transit. When packing Food, It should be removed from cupboards and packed before the move. Ensure that all caps and screw fittings on jars and bottles are secured tightly. Please remember that you do not overfill your boxes, as they have to be lifted. Boxes that are overfilled may break under the strain. Also, under filled boxes may collapse if heavy items are placed on top of them. Try to distribute your things evenly in the available boxes. When packing your valuable and fragile possessions, please remember when Packing for home removals with newspapers that the newsprint will rub off. Use plain paper instead. Your ornaments, glassware and other delicate items can first be wrapped in plain paper before using newspaper. The boxes holding these items should be clearly marked as "fragile".
Prevent Leakages
Make sure you have defrosted and disconnected your fridge, freezer and washing machine 48 hours before your moving day to allow the interior to dry properly, so that they don't leak onto your possessions in transit. You should ensure that all items containing fluid, such as lawn mowers, swipper snippers, etc are emptied completely to avoid any problems whilst in transit. Remember to drain the fuel from any mechanical items as fuel can be just as dangerous. **Handy tip. Place a handful of baking soda in a nylon sock and secure it in your fridge/freezer to absorb odours. This is Especially good for Interstate and Country Furniture removals or items to be placed into storage.
Removal Insurance
Carefully consider the need to insure your possessions compared to the risk. Whomever you insure with, the cost of cover is invariably far less than the potential risk. Hudson Removals can arrange transit and storage insurance - please talk to one of our friendly staff members.
Disassemble Furniture
When you disassemble furniture and other items, make sure to tape all parts to the main base. Most beds require to be dismantled before they can be moved. Consider this and plan accordingly.
Combustible & Flammable Items
Put combustible and flammable items separately. These include oil-base paints, bleach, cleaning and lighting fluids and matches. All aerosol cans (including hair sprays, shaving creams, deodorants, household cleaners, insecticides, tarnish removers and car cleaners) should be notified so it can be moved separately and safety.
Electronic Equipment & Appliances
Where possible, pack all electronic equipment in their boxes. Alternatively, use bubble wrap when packing these very expensive items. For appliances, check your owner's manuals to ensure if there are special instructions for moving.
Schedule times one week prior to the move to ensure the TV, phone and utilities have had a final check and meter readings were taken. Also, make sure you have visited Australia post to have all your mail re-directed to your new home or office.
Cleaning & Rubbish Removal
We understand that you'd rather spend the next phase of your moving setting up your new home or office but don't forget to ensure that your previous place of tenancy is left in the same condition as you when you first moved in. This will help to avoid any missunderstandings with your previous real estate or property owners - please talk to one of our friendly staff members to arrange a free quote for this type of service.